Taipei Jazz Orchestra

Taipei Jazz Orchestra (TJO) is one of the best jazz organizations around the area. Formed in 2009 and led by saxophonist Cheng-Yu (Jimmy) Lee, the group consists of talented, experienced musicians who are passionate to big band music. Taipei Jazz Orchestra rehearses weekly and holds several performances every year including concerts, promotional tour in campus, and shows in jazz club. From 2019, TJO was constantly selected to be the Outstanding Performing Art Group by Taiwan Government.
Under the direction and mentorship of Dr. Gene Aitken, Taipei Jazz Orchestra has released several albums: “Knives Out” in 2011, “Joy Chu Sings with Taipei Jazz Orchestra-Rose, Rose, I love you” in 2014, “TJO Live 2009-2018” and "Kee- Lung Mountain” in 2019.